
Keeping the roads of York in working condition is a never ending job, but as Liberal Democrat councillors we are always on the look out for areas which need repair. These can often be at the sides of the road and a particular hazard to cyclists. Please let us know if there are any near you which need repair.


Walker Drive junction with Bellhouse Way

Walker Drive junction with Bellhouse Way

Bramham Grove junction with Bramham Road

Bramham Grove junction with Bramham Road

Entrance to Oldman Court

Entrance to Oldman Court










Entrance to Spurr Court

Entrance to Spurr Court

Potholes Foxwood Lane close to roundabout on Askham Lane

Potholes Foxwood Lane close to roundabout on Askham Lane

Foxwood Lane close to Forester's Walk junction

Foxwood Lane close to Forester’s Walk junction