Parking Bays started in Thoresby Road

The work has started on the parking laybys in Thoresby Road which had been requested by residents through consultation with the Ward Committee and (HEIP) Housing Environmental Improvement Programme. The proposal for a two bay parking space at right angles to the road has had to be modified due to the presence of utilities, so a verge layby is being built (as had been proposed in the most recent letter to residents) which will provide up to 5 spaces. As this area is frequently parked up with access in and out of the road being difficult this will help the situation as had been requested by residents for some time. This is phase 1 and we will revisit the area for the next Estate Improvement funded plans. There have been requests further along the road as there is often a long line of parked vehicles, or parking on the verge which ploughs it up.

Work has started to tackle parking problems in Thoresby Road

Tudor Road parking concerns and petition

Westfield Liberal Democrat Councillors have been pressing council officers to ensure that Tudor Road residents do not lose out any more than they need to when the council builds a link road to access the Lowfield Playing Fields Housing Estate.

A planning application has been lodged by the council for the new junction which will lead to the loss of the current three car parking bay. The application will create two parking areas behind 108 and 110 Tudor Road. However, councillors have pressed the council to ensure that there is no net loss as Tudor Road is a clearway and has  no on-street parking options.

Details of planning application

Proposed junction

Cllr Sue Hunter at the current parking bay

In response to the pressure from councillors council officers have today announced that they are looking to create three new single bay parking areas further along Tudor Road. These are dependent upon finding locations away from trees, utilities and other restrictions. So far other departments within the council have not objected but there have been instances of long delays on other parking bays in the ward and so councillors are being vigilant.

Proposed replacement parking (salmon coloured sections)


Residents will have the opportunity to see these plans at a Drop In Session which has been arranged following requests from Ward Councillors. This will take place at the Gateway Centre, Front Street on 5th March between 4pm and 7pm.

Councillors have launched a petition following requests from residents that there are improvements to the Tudor Road area and in particular the junction with Gale Lane where crossing is already difficult and will be made more so with the increased traffic from the new estate.

Meeting for Lowfield Development 7th Feb

The council is holding a public drop in session for the development of the Lowfield Care Village land and Playing Fields Housing Estate at Acomb Explore on 7th February between 4:30pm and 7pm.

Residents surrounding the site should have received the letter below detailing the event, along with a letter regarding tree felling. Please let us know if yours has not arrived.

The Westfield Councillor team have put questions to officers following enquiries by residents from the surrounding area;

Question 1. We would be grateful to understand what is being planned for the public meeting ?
This will be an informal drop in event held on 7th February at Acomb Library with the project team comprising of CYC, project managers from Turner & Townsend, Lead Architect from BDP & the enabling works contractor, NMCN). This event is an opportunity for the project team to discuss the enabling works which we expect to commence mid-to-late Feb with local residents and allow them to meet the contractor and discuss any queries they may have. In summary the enabling works will comprise of the following: tree maintenance and removal (duration 2 weeks commencing mid-to-late Feb), site clearance and the crushing of existing school foundations (duration 4-6 weeks March – early April), formation of the Tudor Road access & widening of Dijon Avenue (duration 6 weeks April – late May).

Question 2. As the nesting season is mentioned in one email, details of the work involved with hedge and tree removal?
All works to trees are hedgerows are to take place in February prior to nesting season. The works will take place in accordance with the Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan. In preparation for the start on site the arboriculturist will meet with the enabling works contractor (NMCN) on site and clearly mark trees for removal.

3. Will the provision of replacement parking in Tudor Road (to compensate for the loss of parking due to the additional entrance to the Playing Fields Estate) be discussed ?
Yes, we are currently working with the design team to agree the location of replacement parking spaces that will be lost by the formation of the Tudor Road access. We aim to have the detailed design drawn up in the next 4 weeks to enable us to seek planning permission for these additional spaces. Our aim is to have these in place prior to the formation of the Tudor Road junction (expected April 2019) so residents do not suffer a loss of parking spaces. We have also submitted an application for 2 additional spaces to the rear of 108-110 Tudor Road and have kept residents informed of this work.

4. Will the provision of parking alleviation in Dijon Avenue be discussed as the large vehicles will simply not be able to get into the site without there being targeted work to tackle bottlenecks ?
We will discuss access into site for the enabling works. For site clearance works access will be via Dijon Avenue. Wherever possible all materials from the site clearance will remain on site until the Tudor Road junction is formed to minimise traffic through Dijon Avenue. The enabling works contractor NMCN is drafting a Construction Environmental Management Plan. This will detail the size of vehicles accessing the site via Dijon Avenue and will be approved by Planning prior to start on site. We are in regular contact with the Planning Officer regarding this. There will be no contractor parking on Dijon Avenue or any other surrounding roads during these works. All parking will be within the site boundary.

5. Will the procurement of the Care Home be detailed as it is anticipate that that would start next month ?
No this will not be discussed at this event however we will get an update from Vicky Japes prior to the event.

Councillors are very concerned that there is not an inclusion of the work on the Care Home as that had been the basis for the 2010 project to reuse the footprint of the Lowfield School with bungalows around whilst retaining the open space of the playing fields for recreation. Equally the land which in the planning application had been allocated for a Police Station is not going to see that use, as had been proven by correspondence with the Police and Crime Commissioner.


Residents letter Page 1

Residents letter page 2


Tree letter




First detailed planning application for Lowfield School site

The council has now received the planning application for the Yorspace Community Build scheme for the former Lowfield School site. This is on the former school site rather than the playing fields which as part of the overall planning permission for the site has ‘exported’ our recreational space to help Bishopthorpe with additional pitches in the Sim Balk Lane area.

Yorspace plan

It emerged late on Friday night  (18/1/19) that council officers had authorised the sale of the land for £300,000

Details of land sale

In the planning application there are a total of 19 housing units being developed which are 3 one bed (flats), 7 two bed (two flats and 5 houses) 6 three bed houses, and 3 four bed houses (one for private rental). The tallest buildings would be three storey and 9.2 m high. For transport there will be 40 secure bike storage units, 26 Sheffield hoops, 12 car parking spaces. The design work for the proposals are more detailed than the ‘boxlike’ council design for the Playing Fields housing estate, and are of much greater environmental standards with more renewable power being designed into the homes.

Local area

The plans can be seen via the following link

York Council Planning link

Comments on the Planning Application will need to be received by the council by Friday 1st February.

A number of residents have already contacted the Westfield Ward Team to raise some issues and so it is likely to have to go to planning committee for decision.

Information on Yorspace can be obtained from

Yorspace link


Example of house plan


Comments from  the officer decision on the sale of land;

“Agreement to sell 0.765 acres of land at the former Lowfield School site in the Westfield Ward, off from Dijon Avenue to Yorspace community benefit society. Land is to be sold for £300,000 plus an additional fee for construction of parking spaces and roads on the north of the plot. Completion of the sale is conditional upon YorSpace getting full planning approval for 19 units of accommodation and the council providing the site serviced to an agreed level. The land is to be sold on a freehold basis. This decision follows an Executive decision in December 2016 to sell one acre of land at the Lowfield site for self-build and community housing, as well as an officer decision in August 2017 to enter into an exclusivity agreement with Yorspace for part of this land.”

“The sale of land to YorSpace will be guided by Section123 of the Local Government Act 1972 which authorises the Council to dispose of non-housing land at the best consideration reasonably obtainable or for less than best consideration/full open market value provided that: (i) the difference between the price obtained and full market value does not exceed £2 million AND (ii) the Council (acting reasonably and properly considers) that the disposal will facilitate the improvement of economic, environmental or social well-being of the area.”

“The group will be constructing 19 units of housing that will be held by the community benefit society meaning that no individuals can profit from the activity. The Mutual Home Ownership Society housing model they use is designed as such that they will be economically accessible to lower income families and the affordability of the homes is maintained in perpetuity.”

Residents get more information on Lowfield Development

At the recent Ward Committee meeting residents from Dijon Avenue and surrounding roads were able to question council officers on the proposals for Lowfield Green. The timetable for the process including the Planning Application were given. and a commitment to hold another open public session in June on the planning application before it is submitted. That would be subject to further public consultation as happens with all planning applications.

Cllr Andrew Waller had raised residents concerns at the Council Executive meeting about the proximity of building to existing houses, loss of public open space in a part of the city where it is very limited already, and potential rat running through the new estate due to through roads (where there had been commitments to not do so). Since the scheme had been drawn up the Ministry of Defence decision has resulted in delay to the Local Plan for York as consideration needs to be made of what provision could be made from brownfield land, for housing developments, which would be released if the MoD did withdraw from York.

Ward Committee Meeting

Briefing on Lowfield Scheme 1

Briefing on Lowfield Scheme 2

Updated plans – these are subject to amendment

Lowfield Green Plans during October 2016 Public Consultation