Your Westfield Liberal Democrat Councillors have been busy checking on the salt bins in the area that need refilling, and have pressed the council to get on with the filling up where they are empty.
Several salt bins are supported by the Ward Committee, many having being brought back from Labour’s cull when they were in power.
We have asked that Ward Committee and Housing supported grit bins are added to the on-line map, these include the ones at Gale Farm Court, in front of Vyner House, at the end of Grove Terrace, by the junction with Ridgeway cul de sac.
Sadly one salt bin (junction of Grange Lane and Bramham Road has been partly filled with concrete during the year and so we have asked that this is dealt with). We have reported some broken bins for replacement as part of the programme.
Information on the Winter Maintenance Programme is available on the council website and updates on the gritting work is available on twitter