Parking provision has been an increasing issue around the ward as areas where car ownership was very low has recently seen an increase, however, many parts of our area were not built with this in mind.
There is a mix of Ward Committee Funded Schemes (which have been through the ballot) and HEIP (Housing Environmental Improvement Programme) which replaced the former Estate Improvement Grants.
Subject to investigation of underground utilities (see note at the end of the article) the proposed timetable is as below using previously allocated resources (more could come from the 2018/19 ward committee funds ballot which is currently being voted on by residents)
Spurr Court – August 2018
Danesfort Avenue near junction with Middleton Road outside flats – August 2018
Thoresby Road outside 12-24 (62 metres in length) September 2018
Askham Lane (outside 198/200 and 206/8) September/October 2018
Bramham Avenue (outside flats 49-55) October 2018 – this is part of a wider programme to improve access to buses to the estate on the number 1 route.
There will be a number developed in the Kingsway West and Windsor Garth area for November 2018 – detailed locations will be developed in light of the investigation for utilities (the presence of these can make a parking bay prohibitively expensive)
The relevant statutory undertakers’ equipment details for all of the above schemes before the end of May 2018. Once the position and depth of any services in the areas concerned have been identified, this will ultimately determine whether parking pays can feasibly be delivered. Should this process reveal any services that prevent the required depth for parking bay construction being achieved, this is likely to render a scheme as not being feasible.

Spurr Court

Danesfort Avenue

Thoresby Road

Askham Lane

Bramham Avenue