Following questions raised by residents about a new fence, investigations by Cllr Andrew Waller into the erection of the fence across a right of way behind Osprey Close council officers have agreed to remove it to allow access on routes which have been used for years.
Following the most recent experience of flooding from the field at the beginning of February Andrew had contacted council officers to resolve but it was recently confirmed that this had resulted in the fence being erected in error. The photo below shows the situation on 1st February due to the ditches not carrying away water draining from the fields next to the Outer Ring Road.
The questions raised other points about land ownership which have been clarified by council officers;
The attached map shows the areas the CYC own surrounded by a red line. The woodland trust own the section behind the east side of Alness Drive. The only work done on site is the 4 yearly inspections that all trees in the city have. There is currently no management plan for the area.
If there are local residents that would be interested in setting up a group to help look after the CYC owned section of land then officers would be happy to work with them. Friends of Acomb Wood have been able to get external funding for the footpaths that have gone in there and to do some work on the trees and ground flora. There are also some residents that help look after the CYC land between Acomb Wood Drive and Alness Drive.
At tonight’s AGM for the Friends of Acomb Wood following a request from Andrew, the Chairman agreed to visit the woodland behind Osprey Close to see what collaboration could be undertaken to help establish a management plan for the area.
The Ward Committee funded scheme to deal with the mud at the entrance from Hawkshead Close has been waiting for the land to dry out and the contractors are understood to hope to get to it in the week or two after Easter.