Speed humps have been repaired in Danesfort Avenue and Kingsway West. Updated signs have been put up for the closure of Windsor Garth which will now happen between 30th August and 14th October. The road which has deteriorated with the Hob Stone Development in recent years is now to be brought back up to standard, something that your Lib Dem councillors have been pressing for since their election in 2015. There is already a shortage of parking in the area, and even construction vehicles have been using the verges, so we have asked that whilst the roadworks are being done that additional parking (like the existing matrix covering used on Ascot Way is rolled out to this area) is put in to the area to help the situation after the Hobstone development is occupied.
We have asked that the operator for the number 24 service makes it clear when the bus will be re-routed, and that the bus stop is marked out again outside Radford House.
Residents contacted Andrew to sort out repairs to the speed humps on Kingsway West close to the chicane, and on Danesfort Avenue. These have now been completed.