At the recent Ward Committee meeting residents from Dijon Avenue and surrounding roads were able to question council officers on the proposals for Lowfield Green. The timetable for the process including the Planning Application were given. and a commitment to hold another open public session in June on the planning application before it is submitted. That would be subject to further public consultation as happens with all planning applications.
Cllr Andrew Waller had raised residents concerns at the Council Executive meeting about the proximity of building to existing houses, loss of public open space in a part of the city where it is very limited already, and potential rat running through the new estate due to through roads (where there had been commitments to not do so). Since the scheme had been drawn up the Ministry of Defence decision has resulted in delay to the Local Plan for York as consideration needs to be made of what provision could be made from brownfield land, for housing developments, which would be released if the MoD did withdraw from York.