Osprey Close tree work coming soon

Residents have been concerned that there has not been a clear plan to manage the area of woodland close to housing in Osprey Close, Hawkshead Close, and Pheasant Drive.  The area was planted at the time of the construction of the houses and many of the young trees are now very thin and competing with each other for light. Therefore plans have been developed with council officers to have a long term management for this area to help maintain a good quality woodland, and to work alongside the Woodland Trust managed area, and the Friends of Acomb Wood.

The areas concerned are labelled 8489 and the triangle of land 2811 next to Pheasant Drive which are both in council ownership.

A meeting took place with residents around the site on 10th and 12th November to mark out trees to be thinned in order to allow remaining trees to grow successfully. Initially the plan by officers had been to conduct the work by the end of January but unfortunately this has been slightly delayed.

The work is scheduled to commence around 8th March. This is subject to the company involved completing a large job elsewhere so if that runs over it may be the following week before the start. They will do six days work. All material now to be to be left as felled. Work is allowed under the Wildlife Act but will require a nest survey. Given that many of the trees to be felled are thin vertical ash that wont be in leaf it is not envisaged that there will be issues arising from this.





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