ESH come back to complete road works

In the ongoing saga of the Hobstone development off Windsor Garth your Westfield Ward councillors have been pressing for a completion of the roadworks, and for the council to come up with a definite plan to improve parking in the area. Just before the Easter holidays a manager from ESH replied to Cllr Waller’s request for a plan of work following the inspection of roads in the area by representatives from City of York Council highways team and ESH contractors on 24th January.  The plan is for works to be done in the area in stages from 24th April to 12th May and we have asked for more detailed plans to let residents know exactly what will happen.


Plan for works from 24th April

This follows some remedial repairs which your local Lib Dem councillor team have been pressing to have sorted out – the situation had become so bad that Cllr Waller had utilised a cycle around the ward with the Council’s Chief Executive on 17th March to show the dangerous state of the roads. There is unfinished business with the development having made the local parking situation worse than previously experienced and councillors are pressing for a plan to improve this situation before the situation gets further out of hand. No real explanation has been given why extra parking could not have been built into the programme whilst so much upheaval was going on. Suggestions from councillors that the area where the yellow seacontainer had been located as a site office could have been made into a parking bay with the plastic matrix were ignored by Yorkshire Housing the developer on the site.

Windsor Garth and Ashford Place junction before

Junction Woodford Place and Windsor Garth before


Repairs Ashford junction

Speed table with remedial repairs – but looking very sad

Speed table before

Woodford Place junction afterwards



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